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The time has come around again for us to celebrate

Our high school class of ’73 reunion on this date.

This reunion is a milestone for all of us to behold

It’s been 50 years since we graduated, and boy, do I feel old!


Each one of us has changed a bit since all those years ago

Thank goodness for our nametags, which make it easier to say “Hello”!

I can’t speak for everyone, but I find this true for me

My brain thinks I’m in my thirties, but my body doesn’t quite agree.


The older we get, the harder it is for us to accept the truth

That we’re no longer in our thirties, and our bodies are the proof!

My aches and pains are many with conditions plaguing me

And now I take a list of meds to my doctors for them to see.


Everything is going “south” and jiggling everywhere

And what once was young and perky is spread out from here to there!

We may not look and feel the same as we did back in high school,

But most of us would have to agree that we still are pretty cool!


My hair is gray and much shorter than it was way back when

And my “skinny” days are in the past and I doubt they’ll be back again.

I see my mother when I look in the mirror, which isn’t all that bad

I tell myself it could be worse and I’m grateful for all I have.


Regardless of our age and health, we’re thankful to be here.

Our hearts remain with our classmates who passed on throughout the years.

We’ve had our share of losing friends, some way before their prime.

And we wonder where they’d be today if they had the chance to shine.

It makes us realize what a privilege it is to be here

And not to take for granted that we live to see another year.


Each one of us is special in our own unique way

We’re not the same young kids as we were back in the day.

We’ve all had life’s experiences, some necessary for us to see

The path that we were put on was definitely meant to be.


Tonight will end and we’ll all go back to our lives in a day or two

Please know it means the world to me that I got to see all of you.

And remember, we’re all bound together, because as you can see

We all have one thing in common……

We’re graduates of Emmaus High School Class of ’73!



Noreen J. Bachman

September 23, 2023

Emmaus High School 50th Class Reunion Celebration

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